Many company directors are aware of the various aspects of governance. Compliance with legislation is part of that governance. Whilst most directors will be able to identify major pieces of legislation affecting their industry, very few, other than those with legal training, can honestly say they can identify all legislation, including regulations at federal, state and local government which affect everything they do.
Consequently, strategy and risk management can become problematic unless legislative compliance can be assured. Good corporate culture cannot be achieved by ignoring the law. Shareholders and other major stakeholders (particularly investors) will judge a company as being a good corporate citizen when it complies with legislative requirements.
Bob is a qualified company director and previously served on the board of two Queensland Public companies. As such, he is only too aware of the difficulties facing boards.
As well as legislative compliance, companies require to standardise procurement and other contracts as well as leases and HR compliance. Many companies fail to protect the value in their businesses by identifying and securing their intellectual property. Properly registered intellectual property rights add value to the goodwill in the balance sheet of a company.
We believe we can add value to your company and not just generate cost. We can work with internal or external counsel and other advisers in the process.
We find that identifying legislative compliance requirements can lead to identifying operational problems. Solving those problems can mitigate or eliminate risk and allow directors peace of mind as well as the ability to focus on the strategic direction of the company.
Contact us now to arrange a legal audit of your company for a minimal fee. Public and private companies can equally benefit from such audits.