Estate Planning
Given the complexities of taxation laws, family law disputes with creditor claims and given the fact that most of us now have, or are likely to have, in the future a family home as well as superannuation (including life insurance), a simple will is not always appropriate.  We can assist you in making a plan suitable for you and your family. 
This involves: -  
  • Identifying and understanding the nature of your assets and liabilities (particularly in connection with complex corporate and trust structures);   
  • Discussing options available for passing on your assets by will or, if appropriate, during your lifetime;           
  • Discussing with you a binding death benefit nomination (particularly in connection with self managed superannuation funds);
  • Working with your accountant and financial adviser to discuss the impact of taxation laws on your assets on death and how that impact can be taken account of in your will; and 
  • Working with you on succession planning for your business.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards' legislation.